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The Book
During an entertaining phone call with my sister, Chris, we discussed all the times we bought a gift for someone's baby shower, graduation, wedding, etc., and how our generous gift-giving has occasionally gone unnoticed or underappreciated.
Did the thank you cards get lost in the mail? Did they lose our phone numbers? Why didn't they return the favor on one of our special days?
We mused about the many unrequited gifts AND all the money we shelled out over the years. "You should write a book," Chris blurted out. So, I did.
What's A Foryoodle? reads like a children's poem, but its message is for teens, adults, and a few people I've foryoodled. What's A Foryoodle? is intended to be a funny little life lesson with colorful illustrations.
Available soon for pre-order on this site. It makes a perfect foryoodle.